Huge Profits

Huge profits for Somer with every Blink.

Somer Blink profits nicely with every single Blink that is played.

For example: Take a regular Blink like a Vengeance or Scorpion. These tickets cost from 2 million up to 14 million or so. Somer Blink has an automatic 32.5% profit built into each regular Blink! The math is simple.

Somer makes 32.5% profit on each and every regular Blink
Somer Blink profits 9.1 million ISK from each and every Vengeance

8 tickets purchased for 3,500,000 = 28,000,000 brought in.  The buyout value is 18,900,000. That leaves a PROFIT of 9,100,000 for Somer Blink on each and every Vengeance Blink there is.

28,000,000 x 32.5% = 9,100,000.  32.5% PROFIT!

Now take a look at the time of completion: Just 8 seconds! 9.1 million ISK profit in 8 seconds!!! That could be about 7 Vengeance blinks every minute. 7 x 9.1 million = 63.7 million ISK each MINUTE. Breaking it down for an hour: 63.7 million each minute, times 60 minutes in an hour, equals 382.2 million ISK PER HOUR PROFIT FOR SOMER BLINK, just off of Vengeance or equivalent Blinks.

It gets worse...

Somer makes huge profits with every single Blink!
Each and every Scorpion Blink nets them a hefty 22.9 million ISK profit

8 tickets purchased for 14,000,000 = 112,000,000 brought in.  The buyout value is 89,040,000. That leaves a PROFIT of 22,960,000 for Somer Blink on each and every Scorpion.

Let's look at some Big Blinks

Big Blinks are even more profitable for Somer Blink
Raven battleships make Somer Blink a profit of 34.4 million each

8 tickets purchased for 21,000,000 = 168,000,000 brought in.  The buyout value is 133,560,000. That leaves a PROFIT of 34,440,000 for Somer Blink on each and every Raven.

Somer Blink's huge house take sucks up players money
The bigger the wager, the more Blink makes off of you...  57.4 million on Abbadons!

8 tickets purchased for 35,000,000 = 280,000,000 brought in.  The buyout value is 222,600,000. That leaves a PROFIT of 57,400,000 for Somer Blink on each and every Abaddon.

Check out their profit from Mega Blinks

Mega Blinks mean mega profit for Somer Blink
Somer makes 70 million on each and every PLEX Blink.  And there's a lot of them...

16 tickets purchased for 35,000,000 = 560,000,000 brought in.  The buyout value is 490,000,000. That leaves a PROFIT of 70,000,000 for Somer Blink on each and every PLEX.

They really make a killing with Ultra Blinks

Somer makes OBSCENE amounts of money off of Ultra Blinks
Somer Blink's greed just doesn't stop.  They make over 347 million ISK profit off of every Rorqual!

16 tickets purchased for 207,000,000 = 3,312,000,000 brought in. The buyout value is 2,964,240,000. That leaves a PROFIT of 347,760,000 for Somer Blink on each and every Rorqual.

And look at the time of completion!!!  Less than 3 minutes.  That means they could do over 20 Rorqual Blinks an hour...  Do the math:  That's over 7 BILLION ISK per hour.  Yes, billion with a "B".

Wait - There are multiple Blinks running!

The examples above, figuring out ISK profit per hour, are assuming there's only one Blink active at a time.  But there really are multiple Blinks running constantly - all day long, every day.

Now...  It's easy to see how Somer Blink

has taken over 150 trillion ISK!